Looking and feeling young has as much to do with your lifestyle, as your genes. Here are some anti-aging foods to include in your diet, guaranteed to help you stay youthful. 

Ever wondered why some men and women appear so much younger than they are? One reason is genetic, and the other, more tangible factor is a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and making sure you de-stress regularly, can help you stay youthful.

Also, some foods have anti-ageing properties, so you can add these to your diet. Here are 8 of our favourites:

#1 Olive oil

The “good fats” in olive oil have multiple benefits. It is rich in heart-healthy omega-3s which improves blood circulation and leaves your skin rosy and supple. So, get these benefits by cooking with olive oil.

Also, you can moisturize your skin by applying olive oil directly, like any other moisturizer.

Foreverfit- Watermelon

#2 Watermelon

With summer around the corner, you can look forward to eating this refreshing juicy fruit. Your skin and overall health will benefit hugely: watermelon has a good amount of vitamin c, antioxidants, lycopene, and potassium.

All these nutrients contribute to regulating the balance of water and nutrients in your skin cells. So make sure you eat 1-1.5 cups of watermelon daily, for the best results.

Foreverfit- Green Tea

#3 Green-tea

Green tea contains catechins which is considered one of the most effective compounds for preventing sun damage like hyper-pigmentation. It also has polyphenols, anti-oxidants that combat free radical damage and may reverse the effects of ageing.

To derive the best benefits, make sure you drink at least 2 cups of green tea daily. Now, here’s another tip. Once you’ve seeped your tea bag, you can remove it and cut it up.

Empty the tea leaf into a cup, and add honey to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face, for some more anti-ageing advantages!

#4 Fish

Fish has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which strengthen skin-cells, help lock the moisture, and offer a protective effect from sun damage. These fats also offer benefits to the heart, and boost the well-being.

So, try and eat fish twice or thrice a week for a nutritional boost.

#5 Spinach

This vital green vegetable contains special phytonutrients (antioxidant compounds) that helps guard against the damage caused by the sun. Also, spinach has beta-carotene and lutein, two nutrients that improve skin elasticity, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry.

For best results, eat spinach at least three times a week.

Foreverfit- Pomegranate

#6 Pomegranate

This vitamin C packed fruit helps guard against the wrinkles caused by sun damage. The juice in pomegranate seeds contains both punicalagin and ellagic acid.

The first is a super-nutrient that increases your body’s capacity to preserve collagen, the subdermal connective tissue that makes your skin look plump and smooth. And the second is a compound that fights damage from free radicals. Together, they pack a great anti-ageing punch!

So eat a daily pomegranate, or drink 3.5 ounces of pomegranate juice instead, to help you fight the signs of aging.

Foreverfit- Oranges

#7 Oranges

Oranges are loaded with water, so they hydrate your skin and cells. This fruit is also an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps produce collagen, a compound leading to supple skin.

So, make sure you eat an orange a day, or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Another way to derive anti-ageing benefits of the orange is to splash orange juice on your face, or soak the rind in your bath water.

#8 Grapes

The skin of the grapes has a compound called Resveratrol, which counters inflammation and slows down the aging process.  This also fights the damage caused by UV light and sun. So, try and eat a handful of grapes daily, to get these benefits.
