Trainer Vinay Sangwan makes a case for the positive impact of black coffee, on a workout.  

His two favourite workout drinks are water, and black coffee. “Unless you drink plenty of water before, during and after a workout, your performance will suffer,” stresses Vijay.

Aside from ensuring he follows this rule, another habit that improves his workout is drinking black coffee. “Caffeine increases alertness, sharpens focus, improves mood, helps burn fat, and generally boosts the endurance of athletes and sports persons,” he says.

Studies do indeed prove the positive impact of caffeine on the central nervous system. This substance is proven to improve sports performance, and delay mental fatigue. “If I have an intense workout to look forward to, I need a shot of black coffee. Caffeine does wonders for me,” enthuses Vijay.

Three rules of caffeine consumption for gym goers

#1  You must drink more liquids, when you drink coffee, especially if you train in a hot and humid environment.

#2 Caffeine levels in your bloodstream peak about an hour after your cup of coffee. So drink it about 1-2 hours before your workout.

#3 Caffeine has a relatively long half-life, of about six hours. So don’t have too much after 6 p.m, since this will disturb your sleep.

