Non-stop stress can damage your health, and heart. Read universally renowned cardiologist, and Heart Guru Dr. Ashok Seth’s advice to Foreverfit, on how handle stress, and maintain a healthy heart.  #worldheartday 2017

#1 Learn to relax.

“It’s very important to learn to relax, despite your busy schedule. Pace yourself, and be flexible, so that you can accommodate work and personal demands into your life more easily. Avoid going into panic mode,” says Dr. Ashok Seth, Chairman Fortis Escorts Heart Institute.

If you don’t take time out for wellness, you will need to take time out to deal with disease. “Introduce hobbies which you can enjoy like photography, music, or travel, which help relieve stress.”

#2 Sleep tight.

Sleep boosts the immune system and well- being, allowing your body the time to repair or replace dead cells and injuries, and maintain muscles and vital organs.

Also, sleep gives the brain a break, helping to reorganize your mind and process events. That’s why it’s better to “sleep on a problem.” The solution will be much clearer, the next morning. So, make sure you get your daily 7 hours of slumber.

Dr Ashok Seth

#3 Preventive checkups are essential, even in young people.

“The plaques that eventually lead to clogged arteries can start accumulating during adolescence, which is why cholesterol checks should begin as early as age 20,” says Dr. Seth (pic above). According to him, screening for coronary artery diseases at an early age is the best way to take precautions.

“After the age of 35 years old, an annual ECG, TMT (treadmill test), and check on BP, blood sugar, and lipid levels too,” he says. If you have any family risk of heart disease, you should get a checkup even earlier.

#4 Get a flu vaccination.

Getting the flu shot reduces the risk of cardiovascular events like a heart attack, in those with heart disease by 36 percent. In fact, September is the month for flu and pneumonia vaccinations, just before onset of winter.

#5 Cultivate a healthy lifestyle

This is one of the most important lifestyle measures you could take to create heart health. If you are overweight, take action to shape up your waistline. Exercise regularly, to maintain your weight, and a positive attitude. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and get enough protein too.

“Stop smoking, and if you drink alcohol, do so in moderation,” emphasizes Dr. Seth.

Dr. Ashok Seth is a universally renowned Cardiologist.  Some of his titles are: Chairman,  Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Medical Governance Board and Director, Interventional Cardiology Foundation of India and “INDIA LIVE”. Dr. Seth is a Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri awardee too. 
