Get going on a 15 day stomach flattening routine to help you shed the flab that’s settled around your middle. Foreverfit has evolved a flat tummy programme to help you out. 

Have you been concerned about your bulging belly lately? Does wearing tight clothes make you uncomfortable, or leave you gasping for breath?

Battle your genes, change your lifestyle

You can draw some comfort from the fact that you are not alone:  Indians are genetically pre-disposed to accumulating abdominal fat. But this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Lifestyle can win over genes, that’s for sure.

Appearances matter but so does your health

Vanity aside, belly fat is no good for your health. A big stomach predisposes you to many diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

So if the kilos have settled around the mid-section of your body, you need to work to trim them off. Put aside a fortnight, to get started on a healthy diet and exercise program .

Once you settle into the routine, you can consider creating an entirely new lifestyle.  Here are some tips to get you going.

#1 Go for specific exercises
F17 Working to a flat tummy 1A fortnight doesn’t give you enough time to lose your belly, unless you embark upon a rigorous workout regime. Strenuous exercise including an hour of cardio will help you burn calories faster.

Add exercises that strengthen your core and bring all areas of the abs into play. Highly recommended exercises to achieve a flat tummy include reverse crunches, oblique crunches, leg raises, and planks.

#2 Add more protein to your diet
Selection vegan protein sources on wood background, copy spaceEvery fitness forum, webpage, and magazine talks about proteins, because they are the building blocks of cells. Proteins are important nutrients, essential for the repair and recovery of muscles after a strenuous exercise.

This group of foods take longer to digest than others. So they boost metabolism, burning up more fat in the process. Do eat more lean proteins such as egg whites, chicken, fish, beans, nuts, tofu, and soybean in your diet.

#3 Up the fibre
Collection of grain cereal seed bean agriculture product of Asia countries is healthy food nutrition eating and fibre foodOpt for pre and post workout foods that are both protein and fibre rich, and provide instant energy. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, lettuce, apples, and melons.

Also, do go for low fat unsweetened dairy products such as yoghurt, skimmed milk, light cheese, and paneer. These provide a feeling of fullness, helping reduce hunger and ultimately, reducing belly fat.

#4 Go easy on salt and sugar
Eat Less Sugar written on the roadReduce the amount of processed sugar and salt you eat. If you’re brave enough, you could consider cutting sugary and over-salted foods out entirely.

Remember that you are already getting all the natural sugar and salt you need, from fruit and veggies. So don’t overload on the extra.

#5 Eat small meals at frequent intervals
F17 Working to a flat tummy 5If you ever thought that eating less can make you lean, then you may be disappointed. Many factors impact fat loss. Eating smaller, more frequent protein rich meals every few hours can boost your metabolism, and help shrink your tummy faster.
