Gaining weight is harder than losing it, say many skinny people. Foreverfit advises you on how to devise the right workout and eating plan, to ensure you put on some healthy kilos.

Only a skinny person knows how hard it is to gain weight on command! While more than half of the world is struggling to lose the unwanted kilos, there are many too-thin folks trying hard, to put some on. Read on, to learn how to improve your health and weight status.

You know you are skinny if…
Your body mass index (BMI) is 18 or below. Those in this group have lower than normal muscle mass and sometimes unhealthy skin, hair, and teeth.

Also, thin people often suffer from a weak immune system that makes them more prone to common infections. They also tend to have micronutrient deficiencies, which slow down their pace of recovery after illnesses.

You may be skinny because…
Low BMI is generally a result of an above average metabolic rate. Some are thin because they are more physically active than others, so end up expending energy than what they consume.

Or, your low weight may also be a result of weight loss due to various illnesses, side effects of certain medication, chronic stress, depression, and malnutrition. Sometimes people are thin, simply because they have a genetic predisposition to thinness. Either way, you need to correct this by adopting a healthy plan.

Moves to put on weight

#1 Eating right 

The same rules of nutrition apply for everyone. Avoid fatty, fried and processed foods and go for fresh and home-cooked fare. Balanced eating is the right answer to any weight problem, be it overweight or underweight.

The difference is that thin folks need to increase their calorie intake and carbohydrates, to about 8 g per kg of body weight, yet maintain a good macronutrient balance. Also, make sure you include whole grains, potatoes, yams, rice, dry fruits, fresh vegetables, and fruit to your diet gradually, to achieve an additional daily caloric count of 500 to 1000.

While 70% of calories should be derived from carbohydrates and proteins, the remainder can be obtained from healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, and dairy.

Add some calorie rich foods such as full cream milk, peanuts and bananas, and make sure you get enough protein to promote muscle growth. Eat small meal portions at short intervals in order to improve the absorption of nutrients.

#2 Strength training

This is about increasing your muscle mass, without gaining unwanted fatty mass. A good weight-training programme combined with a healthy diet focused on proteins, will trigger muscle growth.

For quick results, focus on large muscle groups like chest, back, and legs by doing circuits of squats, dead lifts, pull-ups, dips, and press-ups. Workouts will not only help you gain muscle strength but also improve your appetite.
